Continuing Student Early Registration
Registration Eligibility
Currently enrolled students
Registration Date
Early registration starts 2 weeks before the current semester ends until the last day of the semester. The exact date and online registration link will be notified separately.
Registration Process
You have to register online and pay the full tuition before the current semester ends in order for it to be considered an early registration.
Tuition of Early Registration
You will have to register every semester and pay the tuition as shown below. You are allowed to register for Korean class only, but you are not allowed to register for extracurricular class only. (Tuition may be subjected to change.)
Korean Class is $160 (Regular Tuition $180 – Early Registration Savings $20 = $160), Extracurricular Class is $40. For more detailed information, please look at the table below.
After online registration, you can pay the tuition through the online donations page for the church website. If you’re paying by check, please make it payable to HKMCC. For those who would like to pay by check, you can drop off the check at the school. If there are any changes, the information will be sent to you. Regular registration will be closed within 3 weeks after the semester starts.
Sibling Discount
When siblings register together, there will be an additional $20 discount for each child.
Refund of Tuition
There will be no refund once the semester starts. However, for registration cancellation within a week of the semester due to special circumstances, we will offer an 80% refund. There will be no refunds after the second week of the semester.