First day of school: 1/29 We have to move classes online for all students until March 12th due to the rising COVID-19 surge. We will be back to in-person classes depending on the Covid data from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department in Mid March. Regular Registration & Placement Test for New Students: 1/15
New Students: The registration link will be available on the website on 1/15. Once you register, a teacher will contact you to schedule the placement test. The test will be held online with the teacher.
Current Students: If you missed the early registration, please register on 1/15. The link will be available on the website on the same day.
Textbooks/Supplies Pick-up: 1/22
Please pick up the textbooks and supplies on Sunday 1/22 @12-1pm in the church parking lot. There are no textbooks/supplies for Kinder1 class.